Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Today was poultice on the wound. I still found myself working into a daze over the slightest memory, the idea that Wednesdays will never be the same again...we will never watch bad TV together and she will never airplane my kids around the room or call The Baby, "Captain Crazy Pants"

But I had to babysit Zac today, which started with me letting him and The Baby play video games in the boy cave while I *finally* made Brendan's vest (woot) then moved on to making Marble tracks, then to baking apple pies...then the baby and I napped (Full of pie, erp) while Zac watched a movie. When we woke up, we went a picked up Munch from school (His school resumed a day before Zac's did) bought the boys orange push pops and then drove to the park. It was a beautiful day and they played for two hours, then went to Zacs house and played for another hour while I chatted with his Moms.

Then we came back here and I made Maceroni and cheese from scratch (their favorite meal) and we talked and laughed at the table.

At least I'm back to myself, even if its kind of a depressed, weepy version. Last week I wasn't even me.

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