Tuesday, February 12, 2008


4:28:33 PM) ces0008: Now I'm eyeing the dishes with trepidation; after dishes I'm making savory crepes for dinner
(4:28:43 PM) ces0008: Then settling in to be really depressed.
(4:28:46 PM) smirkingatyou: nice nice
(4:28:52 PM) ces0008: Because, you know, its wednesday.
(4:29:00 PM) smirkingatyou: i also have a pile of daunting dishes
(4:29:08 PM) ces0008: Mmmm, daunting dishes.
(4:29:34 PM) smirkingatyou: of course, daunting dishes aren't nearly as bad as scary german panties.

(4:30:45 PM) ces0008: Okay...that was funny.

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