Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Okay, I don't mean to come off sounding like an asshole, but if any of you who might be thinking of using the words"You're coping with this surprisingly WELL" could REFRAIN, I would really appreciate it.

I've just heard these words three times (once from my mom, once from my grandmother and once from a friend who barely knows me) in the past 48 hours, and I just want to scream. How does one cope 'well' with something like this, anyway? I'm coping 'well' because I can go from fine to crying in two seconds because my dog put her head in my lap? I'm coping well because I go for two days without crying at all and then call and scream at my son's school's front desk clerk, "THE LAST TIME SOMEONE I LOVED DIDN'T SHOW UP THEY WERE DECAPITATED!" A+ I got overwhelmed last night and told Munch to 'shut up.' I think I'm at least 130lbs right now, which for me is abnormally heavy.

So yes, I'm doing okay, and I'm glad I'm doing okay; none of these things are so horrible I need to be locked up, but telling me I'm coping 'surprisingly well' is almost like saying, "Gee, you don't seem nearly as upset as you should be." >:(

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